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Tell us a bit about yourself

1. i am a nice guy and a loveable guy too. 2. i am very honest and i beleave in honesty. 3. i have a great since of humor. 4. i have alot of confadence in myself and i beleave in myself too and i have alot of self respect for myself too. 5. the kind of activitys i like to do in my free time is outdoor, indoor activitys like going to shopping malls and out to eat and to the movies and to the musems and the zoo., i love music, martial arts movies, action pack movies too. and i like Lawinforcement TV shows too like all of the Law & Orders shows, NYPD Blue, Chicago PD, cops tv shows that comes on FOX every Saturday nights at 7pm – 8pm too. 6. i also like to travel the midwest, ILL, the eastcoast and i might want to go to the state of Florda too but only by car or bus and or by train. ( I DO NOT LIKE GOING ANY PLACE BY AIR PLAINS BECAUSE I`VE BEEN ON A AIR PLAIN ONCE IN MY LIFE AND I HAD BAD EXPIERENCES ON AIR PLAINS. and I DO NOT LIKE THE TSA PAT DOWNS BECAUSE THEY MAKE ME UNCONFRABLE AND TSA PAT DOWNS MAKE ME NERVIS TOO. )

Speak Your mind

1. my life is going good. 2. i am very honest, i beleave in honesty. 3. i always say whats on my mind. 4. i have alot of self respect for myself 5. i have alot of self confadence in myself and i beleave in myself too. 6. I WOULD BE ALOT MORE HAPPYER IN MY LIFE IF I HAD A GIRLFRIEND.